Friday, July 06, 2007

07/06/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Painstorm XXVII

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"Over Your Head and Far Away"

Use weighted implement/s of your choice to get a total of 10,000lb from the
ground to overhead and carry your implement a total of 800m for
time. Partition and rest as needed. No rules on how you get the weight overhead.

An example:

Using a 135lb bar you would need to perform 75 power cleans and push press to
get 10,000lb overhead. So you could break it up as follows...

15 reps
carry bar 200m
15 reps
carry bar 200m
15 reps
carry bar 200m
15 reps
carry bar 200m
15 reps

Courtesy of Kempie, CrossFit North East England.

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