Sunday, September 30, 2007

09/30/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Complete the following series. The 5 rep exercises are at your 5RM.
  • 5 Front Squat
  • 20 Push Ups
  • 5 Front Squat
  • 30 V-Ups
  • 5 Back Squat
  • 10 Turkish Get Ups (Per Side)
  • 5 Back Squat
  • 15 Hanging Knees to Elbows
  • 5 Deadlifts
Please feel free to post load to comments.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

09/29/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Rest Day.

Friday, September 28, 2007

09/28/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

3 rounds of the following series:
  • 500m Row
  • 12 Deadlifts
  • 21 Box Jumps
Please feel free to post load and time to comments.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

09/27/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Clean Progressions. Go through the following till you feel comfortable with the movements (3 times minimum).
  • 5 Deadlifts
  • 5 Hi-Pulls
  • 5 Front Squats
  • 5 MB Cleans
  • 5 Hang Power Cleans
  • 5 Hang Cleans
  • 5 Cleans
Please feel free to post load and thoughts to comments.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

09/26/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Complete the following series for time:
  • 800m Sprint
  • 50 Thrusters
  • 50 Sit Ups
  • 800m Sprint
  • 50 Box Jumps
  • 50 Pull Ups
  • 800m Sprint
  • 50 Push Press
Please feel free to post load and time to comments.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

09/25/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Rest Day.

Monday, September 24, 2007

09/24/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Complete the following series 2 times. Use a bar loaded with your 5RM for the Strict Press. Do not put the bar down once you start the lifts. IE: do 5 Strict Presses, immediately without putting the bar down do 10 Push Presses, and then still without putting the bar down do 15 Push Jerks. Focus on how the Hips become more engaged as you progress from Strict Presses to Push Jerks.
  • 5 Strict Press
  • 10 Push Press
  • 15 Push Jerk
Please feel free to post load to comments.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

09/23/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 Reps.
Push for a new 5RM.

Please feel free to post load to comments.
09/22/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

21 - 15 - 9 Rep rounds of the following couplet, for time (of course):
  • 225lbs Deadlift
  • Handstand Push Ups
World Record is 1 min 47 seconds. Can you beat that?

Please feel free to post load and time to comments.

Friday, September 21, 2007

09/21/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Rest Day.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

09/20/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 Reps
Push for a new 5RM

Please feel free to post load to comments.
09/19/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

50 - 30 - 20 Reps of the following couplet
  • Wall Ball
  • Hanging Knees to Elbows
please feel free to post time to comments.
09/18/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Tabata these:
  • Rowing
  • Push Ups
  • B2B Squats
  • Pull Ups
  • Sit Ups
Post the lowest number of reps you get in a round for each exercise to comments.

Monday, September 17, 2007

09/17/07 Workout if the Day (WoD)

Rest Day.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

09/16/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

21 - 15 - 9 Reps of the following couplet:
  • Clean
  • Pull Ups
Please feel free to post load and time to comments.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

09/15/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Perform the following for time:
  • 50 Wall Ball
  • 50 Push Press
  • 50 MB Toss Sit Ups
  • 1000m Row
  • 50 MB Toss Sit Ups
  • 50 Push Press
  • 50 Wall Ball
Please feel free to post load and time to comments.

Friday, September 14, 2007

09/14/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Complete 3 rounds of the following series:
  • 1000m Row
  • 12 Deadlifts
  • 21 Strict Presses
Please feel free to post load and time to comments.
09/13/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Rest Day.

The Tactical Strength Challenge Results are now up and available HERE!

Great showing by everyone!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

09/12/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Complete the following series for time:
  • 800m Sprint
  • 50' 1 Arm Overhead Walking Lunges
  • 50 V-Ups
  • 800m Sprint
  • 50 MB Cleans
  • 50 Overhead Presses
  • 800m Sprint
  • 50 Ball Slams
Please feel free to post load and time to comments.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

09/11/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

5 rounds for time/max reps of the following couplet:
  • 5 Hang Power Cleans
  • 1 minute of Pull Ups
Please feel free to post load, time and # pull ups per round to comments.

Monday, September 10, 2007

09/10/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Max rounds in 20 minutes of the following couplet:
  • 10 Push Ups
  • 10 KB Swings (24kg)
Please feel free to post number of rounds completed to comments.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

09/09/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Rest Day.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

09/08/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Tactical Strength Challenge
Deadlift 1 - 1 - 1
Max Pull Ups
Max Reps of 24KG KB Snatches in 5 minutes

Finish it off with 100 Wall Ball if you're not tired =)

Friday, September 07, 2007

09/07/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Perform 3 rounds - 21 - 15 - 9 reps of the following series:
  • Sumo Deadlift High Pull
  • Push Up
  • Box Jump
Please feel free to post load and time to comments.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

09/06/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Perform the following for time:
  • 800m Sprint
  • 30 KB Snatches
  • 100' Walking Lunge
  • 30 Body Rows
  • 800m Sprint
  • 75 Ball Slams
Please feel free to post load and time to comments.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

09/05/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Rest Day.

Remember the TSC is this Saturday.

Time: Weigh-in at 11:30 AM sharp; lifting begins at noon.

Location: Steel CIty CrossFit, 1 East St North, Dundas, ON

Contact: Adam Morden Tel: (905) 627-3308

Registration: $20 at the Door

What is the TSC?
The Tactical Strength Challenge (TSC) is a strength competition consisting of three events:

  • A three-attempt powerlifting deadlift
  • Pullups for max reps
  • Kettlebell snatches for max reps in a 5:00 time period

The winner is determined by combined placement in the three events. For example, if Lifter A finishes third in the deadlift, fifth in pullups, and second in snatches, his score is 10 (3+5+2). The lowest combined score wins. In the event of a deadlift tie, the lighter competitor places higher. In the event of a pullup tie, the heavier competitor places higher. In the event of a snatch tie, the tie stands. In the event of an overall tie (two or more lifters get same combined score), the tie stands.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

09/04/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Perform the following triplet 3 times for time:
  • 500m Row
  • 21-15-9 Ring Dips
  • 9-7-5 Deadlifts
Please feel free to post load and time to comments

Monday, September 03, 2007

09/03/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Push Press
3 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 Reps.
Build to a new 1RM.

Please feel free to post load to comments.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

09/02/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Perform the following couplet, 3 rounds, for time:
  • 30 KB Snatches (24KG Men, 16 KG Women)
  • 15 Pull Ups
Please feel free to post load and time to comments.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

09/01/07 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Rest Day.

1 week today we are hosting the Tactical Strength Challenge, here is the vital info:

Tactical Strength ChallengeThe next international Tactical Strength Challenge is coming up soon - September 8th 2007.

Time: Weigh-in at 11:30 AM sharp; lifting begins at noon.

Location: Steel CIty CrossFit, 1 East St North, Dundas, ON

Contact: Adam Morden Tel: (905) 627-3308

Registration: $20 at the Door

What is the TSC?
The Tactical Strength Challenge (TSC) is a strength competition consisting of three events:

  • A three-attempt powerlifting deadlift
  • Pullups for max reps
  • Kettlebell snatches for max reps in a 5:00 time period

The winner is determined by combined placement in the three events. For example, if Lifter A finishes third in the deadlift, fifth in pullups, and second in snatches, his score is 10 (3+5+2). The lowest combined score wins. In the event of a deadlift tie, the lighter competitor places higher. In the event of a pullup tie, the heavier competitor places higher. In the event of a snatch tie, the tie stands. In the event of an overall tie (two or more lifters get same combined score), the tie stands.