Tuesday, December 05, 2006

12/06/06 Workout of the Day (WoD)

Perfom the following circuit 3 times for time:
  • 16 Clean and Press, while the bar is overhead perform a step up, then step down and lower the bar. alternate legs on the step up.
  • 16 Lunge Jumps
  • 16 Pull Ups
  • 16 Burpies with 1 arm DB Clean and Press on the way up, alternating arms, push up with one arm on the DB (25% Bodyweight)
  • 200m Sprint (.125 miles)
Load is 40-50% of Bodyweight unless otherwise specified.

Compare this circuit to the chipper from 12/04/06. How do your times, energy levels, muscular fatigue levels, etc. compare?

Please feel free to post load and time to coments.


le roy said...

36 mins. Could only use 20%BW for the 1 arm clean and press.
The chipper is tough but this was tougher for me, very intense if you push it.

Anonymous said...

Pretty tough work out. Some neat exercises I've never done. My time was 26:15 min. I had to adjust some of the weight and I couldn't do all 16 pull-ups without assisstance.

Anonymous said...

this was my first ever crossfit workout. fun and intense, it really made my eyes water! the sprint is the easiest part. afterwards, i made my first deadlift attempts: 105x3, 115x3, 135x1, 145x1, 155x1. i just know that i can go heavier, easy; cant wait to try again.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, it took me 38 min.

Anonymous said...

for sure you could go heavier, your short and strong. good job though, can't wait till we're all doing it together.