Sunday, December 10, 2006

12/10/06 Workout of the Day (WoD)


50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds, for time:
  • Double-unders
  • Sit-ups
Substitute tuck jumps for Double Unders if you can't do them.

Please feel free to post time to comments.


le roy said...

15:50 , done right after the previous workout. this one will have pouring sweat.

Anonymous said...

18:21 a lot worse than my first time. the sit ups were killin me.

Anonymous said...

First time. But can't skip so did Jump Tucks. Liked the workout thanks Le roy. 18:19. Abs feel like they are in perminant crunch position.

Anonymous said...

14 mins. yeeah boi.